
Sensory Concerts - quality music for all needs

Grace Kim has always known the value of making music a part of children’s lives and the crucial role it plays in brain development. But when her oldest child was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome and struggled in live music settings, she saw a need to bridge the gap between comfortable performance environments and audiences with special needs.

And so, Sensory Concerts was born.

Whether it’s a sensitivity to crowds, noise, light, smell and/or touch, the top-level concerts provide a safe and accepting place to enjoy live classical music.

“We really don’t mind if people need to move around, lie on a crash mat or take time out from everyone else for a while,’’ says Grace. “I program the music especially with this in mind so that everyone can engage and benefit without feeling overwhelmed or restricted.’’

For some families, a sensory concert is the first public event they’ve been able to attend all together. Please share this episode with families and individuals you know would be grateful!




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