
NARCISSISM - manipulations and traits

Narcissism - it's a term thrown around a lot and is used to describe all sorts of self-important behaviour. It's a spectrum, ranging from a personality exhibiting a few narcissistic traits through to its full expression - narcissistic personality disorder.  Judith Richards (founder of The Richards Trauma Process) and I discuss how narcissists' manipulations of relationships can be subtle. It might start with a few 'insignificant' criticisms, slowly isolating you from your network, until your self-belief and self-confidence have eroded to the point where you mistakenly believe that the problem rests entirely with you. It's my fault... If only I were better...

Narcissists, true narcissists will never change. Nor will they ever ask for help because nothing is their fault. On the other hand, you may exhibit some narcissists tendencies which are compromising the quality of your relationships and life, eg. always having to be right, needing to be the centre of attention, taking credit where it's not due, putting others down... These tendencies can be a form of self-protection. If this is you, hats off for recognising it. You're now in a position to make change and improve your life and the lives of those around you. If, on the other hand, you are living or working with a narcissist, please listen to this episode for help as to how to get out. There's no other option if they are a true narcissist. They won't change.  

If you haven’t already heard about Judith Richards, her life, and the extraordinarily quick and effective process she created to resolve anxiety, depression, PTSD among other things, well, I suggest you listen to Episode 4 of our podcast here https://www.iamsallywilson.com/podcasts/victim-to-victor-leading-others-beyond-their-pain. You’ll be so glad that you did.




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