
Leadership – Success Creation Without Burnout

At 27 years old, Derek founded The Leading Edge Market Research Consultancy, which he led and grew into a global multi-million dollar business that he sold in 2005 to a company on the stock market. For 15 years straight, the company grew by a minimum of 15% per year. In 2015 it turned over $36 Million and had offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Singapore and London, and brings a strong record of success in creating and leading a high-performance and results-driven business.

Derek has sat in the CEO’s seat for two decades, has served as a director on 5 private company boards, and has held the position of 2 Chairman’s roles. Derek has felt the intense stress and complexity of holding these leadership roles which was the impetus to his research and investigation. He has worked with the elite in sports, rescue, carers of people dying from MND and with many C Suite corporates.

He knows transformational leadership inside out. Here, Derek shares his insights into the nature and challenges of modern-day leadership and plants the seeds of ideas as to how they might be overcome.


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Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.


2-way processing & seeing the ‘stories’ "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

Top-down and bottom up processing. We all do both, but when we process predominantly in one of the two ways, things can get tricky. Gaining an understanding of this allows us to become more objective about our experience, less likely to ‘make up’ stories, and helps us cultivate an ability to find equipoise. Sound good?
