
Choice & Perspective - Embracing Adversity

Fiona Demark grew up in rural NSW, a blind person with little support and no resources - except her own. A dreadful low point, following her father's death when she was 15 and bullying at school, forced her to make a decision. Either she was going to find a way through this and, perhaps, help others through her own experience, or she was not. She chose to.

Now a coach, keynote speaker and extreme adventurer, Fiona now works with individuals and organisations, helping people increase resilience, achieve their dreams and allow for the richness diversity brings to the workplace.



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Non-attachment & the Things We Don’t Want to See "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

What does non-attachment mean? When we begin to understand this, there’s such a sense of surrender and freedom. It’s not about abstinence, austerity, or ascetism. It’s not about owning or not owning ‘stuff’, rather, it’s about ‘stuff’ not owning us! What does this mean? Listen for more of Bec’s wisdom.


2-way processing & seeing the ‘stories’ "YOGA – A HANDBOOK FOR LIFE SERIES"

Top-down and bottom up processing. We all do both, but when we process predominantly in one of the two ways, things can get tricky. Gaining an understanding of this allows us to become more objective about our experience, less likely to ‘make up’ stories, and helps us cultivate an ability to find equipoise. Sound good?
