Often when we get ill, in a certain sense we’ve opened the door to it ourselves and invited it in. Sceptical?
Consider your lifestyle.
Do you run around burning energy, running on deficit, and expect to stay well? Or do you run around like a mad thing secretly hoping and wishing for peace and the opportunity to stop and have space and time?
Then WHOOMF. You get sick. You get peace. You’re forced to stop. You have plenty of time up your sleeve.
I know oh so many people living busy corporate and business lives who secretly wish for space and calm. Well, you know what they say… We often get what we wish for, but not necessarily in the way we’d choose – unless we do make that conscious choice before things go balls up.
Consider your thoughts.
Do you like yourself and your life? Or are you self-hating, full of regret or anger, full of guilt or shame? Do you feel stuck and miserable, wanting a way out (even un-health).
Remember those containers of water…? We’re largely made up of water… If you believed up until now that your feelings and thoughts don’t have a powerful effect on matter and your health, now is the time to reassess. They do. And it’s measurable.
If you’re carrying around that kind of baggage you may unconsciously believe you deserve pain. You might believe, unconsciously, that you’re a bad person and deserve to suffer; that you don’t deserve good health and a good life.
The first step you need to take is to let this disease sentence go! Find a way of knowing, deep inside yourself, that you deserve health. You don’t deserve pain. You’re a good person. It’s safe for you to be well.
is born of the first. The second step is to truly want to be well.
Seneca said:
The wish for healing has always been half of health.
Sound silly? Consider for a moment all the ‘good’ things that illness can bring: you might not have to work, you get to slow down, you get fussed over and looked after, you get to hide and not face things… Perhaps it helps you feel safe and cosy. Maybe it helps you feel comfortable in some way.
Or perhaps… ah… you get to rescind responsibility.
You need to be honest with yourself here. Do you truly want to be well? There’s no judgement either way. As Thoreau once said: Tis healthy to be sick sometimes…
To be continued next week. Stay tuned!
If you recognise any pesky thoughts or feelings mentioned above and need help shifting them, please get in touch.
Book a complimentary, obligation-free, 20-minute consultation with me here.