

Many of you will have heard of Joe Dispenza, and perhaps read his books.

After he had injured his spine in a cycling accident, he went through an inner spine reconstruction process in his mind every day, for weeks after the accident. If his mind wandered from the process, he’d start over again from the beginning.  

After grappling with his mind for 6 weeks and fighting the accompanying tedium and frustration, he was able to complete his mental reconstruction process all the way through without being distracted. Joe wrote, in his book “You Are the Placebo”:  

I remember the day I did it for the first time: It was like hitting a tennis ball on the sweet spot. There was something right about it. It clicked. I clicked. And I felt complete, satisfied, and whole. For the first time, I was truly relaxed and present - in mind and body. There was no mental chatter, no analyzing, no thinking, no obsessing, no trying; something lifted, and a kind of peace and silence prevailed. It was as if I no longer cared about all of the things I should have been worried about in my past and future.

Contrary to expectations, Joe made a full recovery (and discovery!).  

This is not an isolated, freakish incident. There are so many stories of ‘miraculous’ recoveries and extraordinary change. It makes sense to me that we pay more attention to the outliers – to those extraordinary recoveries – and make our chances of that more likely. Don’t you?


Truly relaxed and present.

No mental chatter.

No trying.

Peace and silence.

Why not cultivate this NOW, as we go about our lives?

Why wait for ‘extraordinary’ till something jolts us out of our ‘normal’?

How about living more of our lives in flow?

The only thing we have to lose is our comfort in the old and familiar. Are you ready to give up the old, in order to allow for ‘extraordinary’? Your version of ‘wonderful’ is right there, on the other side of your current beliefs and perceptions.

About Sally

As a former international opera singer, Sally Wilson knows a thing or two about being at the top of your field. And she’s discovered first-hand what it feels like to step away from the spotlight and lose your identity.

Through coaching, Sally helps her clients let go of their self-sabotaging beliefs and discover freedom, joy and fulfillment. As an accredited TRTP™ practitioner, Sally uses evidence-based practices to create changes that are quick, safe and lasting.

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